Disabilities, Opportunities, Inter-networking, and Technology (DO-IT)

Seattle, WA | 1997

Awardee Organization badge

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

With communication technology and the use of mentors, the Disabilities, Opportunities, Inter-networking, and Technology (DO-IT) program builds a communication network for disabled high school students who would otherwise remain isolated and segregated. The network opens these students to new possibilities in science, mathematics, and engineering and helps sustain them through their high school and college academic experiences. Another strength is the program's emphasis on developing college faculty awareness of how the barriers and challenges for the disabled can be overcome, contributing to a more positive and diverse learning environment. DO-IT has positively altered the educational infrastructure by creating a self-sustaining community, free from spatial constraints and creatively links new isolated populations such as the Seattle Children's Hospital to its communication network. The strengths of the nominee include: . Innovative, strong and working. . Ninety percent of the participants have graduated from high school and are pursuing post-secondary degrees. . Showcased in President's Summit for America's Future. In summary, this nomination for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring is outstanding. The program is innovative and timely. The total number of participants is not large but the level of quality is high.