California Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (California MESA)

Oakland, CA | 2000

Awardee Organization badge

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

Established in 1970, California Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) currently offers an array of academic support and enrichment services to 24,400 mostly underrepresented students. One of MESA's pre-college initiatives uses culture-based mathematics activities to reach hundreds of American Indian students in remote rural areas. MESA's community college program offers tutoring and collaborative group learning to help underrepresented minority science and mathematics majors successfully transfer to four-year institutions. In 1999, 244 MESA community college students transferred to four-year universities. At the undergraduate level, MESA supports engineering and computer science majors through scholarships, internship opportunities, tutoring and group study. Over 12 percent of the nation's underrepresented engineering baccalaureate recipients are MESA graduates.

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