North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC | 2000

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The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

In 1999, North Carolina State University (NC State) ranked among the nation's leading universities in the number of baccalaureate degrees in engineering and computer science awarded to women. Currently, women comprise about 20 percent of NC State's undergraduate engineering enrollment of 5,097. More than 700 minority students are enrolled in the undergraduate engineering and computer science program. Programmatic efforts responsible for NC State's success begin with elementary and middle school visits designed to encourage children to view mathematics and science as fun disciplines for which they have ability. These visits continue through high school with more overt recruiting. A weeklong campus residential program exposes high school students to engineering and computer sciences. Summer and early freshman year experiences are offered to bridge high school to college and to foster student acclimation and maturation. Undergraduates are enrolled in a student mentoring program and, as upperclassmen, become eligible to participate in research activities.

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