Cooperating Hampton Roads Organizations for Minorities in Engineering (CHROME)

Norfolk, VA | 1997

Awardee Organization badge

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

Cooperating Hampton Roads Organizations for Minorities in Engineering (CHROME) network of community organization, founded 1983, impacts students in elementary, middle and high school. This proposal does a fine job of outlining how CHROME meets each criteria while specifically highlighting CHROME activities and successes. As a result of it clubs throughout the K-12 school system, this program is able to 'follow through" with youngsters and offer a variety of support and activities. As a result, CHROME claims "virtually all students who remain" in the program graduate high school. CHROME claims 95 percent of its club members go to college and 80 percent major in STEM or related fields proven by conducting a follow-up survey with alumni and maintaining a database. CHROME's ability to track students demonstrates how the program has made a difference in students graduating, going to college and choosing majors in STEM fields. While this program mostly benefits African American students, there are a number of other minorities who participate in the program including Hispanic, Asian/Filipino, and Native American students. The strengths of the nominee include: Sixty community organizations working together providing outstanding programs for youth and students.

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