Leah M Turner

GeoFORCE Texas

GeoFORCE Texas Portrait Photo

Contact Information

GeoFORCE Texas
Director of Outreach and Diversity

Austin TX 78758


Sam is from Rockford, Illinois and earned his PhD in Communication from The University of Texas at Austin. He has held appointments in higher education at the department, college, and central administration level.  For more than 20 years he has provided leadership in engaging faculty with K-12, undergraduate, and graduate.  He has worked with STEM industries and government agencies to develop successful STEM diversity initiatives at the K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and faculty level.  Sam serves as the chief administrator of GeoFORCE and is responsible for raising financial support, strategic planning, implementation and accountability for the program. He also oversees Jackson School outreach programs to increase participation in the Geosciences and promote a diverse future student body.